热门推荐:解毒膏方 盐城科利达化工有限公司 常州市南菁化工厂

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  About BrosMed Medical

  BrosMed Medical is more than just a company; we are leading the medical device design and manufacturing revolution. To make it simpler, to make it better, to make it more cost efficient, and to make it with excellent quality. To expand treatment options for clinicians by overcoming traditional barriers. To enhance patient freedom and fulfillment.

  We are not working alone. Part of our success has come through working closely with customers, patients, industry and institute partners, and government leaders and agencies to realize the vision of better, simpler and more accessible health.

  Our ultimate purpose is to improve the lices of patients, and our approach is already resulting in changed lives and industry improvements. Together, we're changing traditional perceptions of how health care can be delivered.

  BrosMed Medical develops, manufactures and markets medical devices primarily used by interventional cardiologists, radiologists and vascular surgeons in angioplasty procedures and other minimal invasive devices.

  We provide solutions to our customers through innovative design, effective supply chain management, world-class manufacturing, and flexible channels of distribution and through the development or acquisition of innovative technologies.

联系方式 [法律声明]


广东博迈医疗器械有限公司 联 系 人:李斌 联系电话:0769-22892018 联系我时,请说是在中国医药网上看到的,谢谢! 手    机: 联系传真:0769-22892016 电子邮件:hr@brosmed.com 公司网址:www.brosmed.com 单位地址:东莞市松山湖高新技术产业开发区北部工业城中小科技企业创业园第15栋三层 邮政编码: