热门推荐:解毒膏方 盐城科利达化工有限公司 常州市南菁化工厂

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  It's our pleasure to introduce ourselves as a manufacturer and distributor of fine chemicals especially intermediates located in Hangzhou, China.

  Being the trading subsidiary of Zhejiang Lianhe Chemical Group Co., one of the leading manufacturers of dye intermediates, P/C & disperse dyes of China, our business goal is to export the products of our group. In addition to it, we also do our best to be an effective supplier of other fine chemicals produced in China.

主要产品>>更多 ・2-Amino-6-Chlor... ・2-Amino-6-Methy... ・2-Amino-6-Methy... ・2-Amino-6-Thioc... ・2-Amino-5,6-Dic... ・2-Amino-6-Nitro... ・2-Chloro-4-nitr... ・2-Chloro-4-Nitr... 联系方式 [法律声明]


杭州达蒙化工公司 联系电话:0571-88480014 88480019 88480027 联系我时,请说是在中国医药网上看到的,谢谢! 手    机: 联系传真:0571-88480026 电子邮件:hzdia@mail.hz.zj.cn 公司网址:www.diamondchemicals.com 单位地址: 邮政编码:310012